Any qualification at a NQF level 5
1 Year
263976 – Demonstrate understanding of the outcomes-based education and training approach within the context of a National Qualifications Framework
10301 – Complete a research assignment
117871 Facilitate learning using a variety of given methodologies
115753 Conduct outcomes-based assessment
115759 Conduct moderation of outcomes-based assessments
117874 – Guide learners about their learning, assessment and recognition opportunities
123397 – Evaluate a learning intervention using given evaluation instruments
123401 – Design outcomes-based learning programmes
123394 – Develop outcomes-based learning programmes
115755 – Design and develop outcomes-based assessments
15217 – Develop an organisational training and development plan management system for skills development practices in an organisation
15218 – Conduct an analysis to determine outcomes of learning for skills development and other purposes
15221 – Provide information and advice regarding skills development and related issues
15227 – Conduct skills development administration in an organisation
15232 – Coordinate planned skills development interventions in an organisation
252041 – Promote a learning culture in an organisation
117856 – Define standards for assessment, education, training, and development
123400 – Evaluate and promote education training and development (ETD) providers, services and products for organisational use
123391 – Develop education, training and development (ETD) policies and procedures for an organisation
123392 – Design and develop instruments to evaluate education, training and development