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Learning and Development Facilitator



Entry Requirements

NQF level 4 / Grade 12


5 Days

Skills Programme

SP - 220319

Detailed Information

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    A Learning and Development Facilitator plans, selects and adapts learning resources required for the delivery of learning interventions in an occupational context. This skills programme will equip one with the skills set to facilitate training and develop competencies to ensure effective skills development. Those who achieve competencies for this skills programme will be able to plan, select and adapt learning resources required for the delivery of learning interventions in an occupational context. This skills programme replaces the legacy Facilitator Training Programme (Train-the-Trainer)

    My benefits from attending this programme are.

    • Credits towards a full qualification;
    • Skills to facilitate efficiently;
    • Change of career focus.

    How will my company benefit from this training?

    • An employee who is skilled in facilitating;
    • Improved BBBEE scorecard.

    What does the ENJO Consultants Learning and Development Facilitator entail?

    • A 5-day interactive training programme (presentations, discussions, role play and practical application in a classroom environment);
    • Portfolio of evidence submission 3 months after the completion of the training;
    • Your portfolio of evidence contains proof of your ability to apply the newly acquired knowledge and skills in the workplace;
    • A POE will be submitted to all necessary experts and prescribed bodies on your behalf.
    • A Final Intergrated Summative Assessment (FISA)

    When can I start using my qualification?

    On successful completion of the programme, ENJO Consultants will issue with a certificate and the relevant SOR.

    Who should attend the training?

    • Those wish to obtain certification as a Learning and Development Facilitator
    •  Those who are involved in the facilitation as part of their duties with regards to training and education.
    • Those working towards SAQA 101321, Occupational Certificate: Training and Development Practitioner.
    • Facilitators, Trainers, Lecturers and Presenters
    • Assessors, Moderators and Training Managers will also benefit from this skills programme.

    Components Covered

    Knowledge Component
      242401001-KM-01: The Statutory Learning and Development Environment. NQF Level 5, 8 Credits KM-01-KT01: The Statutory Framework that Governs the South African Qualification Authority.
      KM-01-KT02: The Statutory Framework that Governs the Skills Development Environment.
      KM-01-KT03: The Statutory and Regulatory Framework that Governs Skills Development Funding. KM-01-KT04: National Occupational Skills Development Structures, Policies and Priorities.

      242401001-KM-04: Facilitation of Learning in an Occupational Contexts. NQF Level 5, 8 Credits
      KM-04-KT01: Principles and Models for Facilitation Planning and Preparation.
      KM-04-KT02: Facilitation Principles, Techniques and Tools. KM-04-KT03: Evaluating, Reviewing and Reporting on Facilitation.

      Application Component
      242401001-PM-04: Facilitate Different Methodologies, Training Styles and Techniques within an Occupational Learning Context. NQF Level 5, 12 Credits
      PM-04-PS01: Plan and Prepare to Facilitate a Learning Intervention.
      PM-04-PS02: Facilitate the Learning Intervention. PM-04-PS03: Reflect on the Effectiveness of Own Facilitator Role.
      242401001-WM-04 Conduct Assessments of Learner Competence. NQF Level 5, 8 Credits
      WM-04-WE01: Facilitate a Contextualised Learning and Development Session under the Guidance of a Subject Matter Expert.

      This programme links to the following qualifications?

      QCTO accredited skills programme is linked to the following programmes: Occupational Certificate: Training and Development Practitioner -101321