Email: : Cell: 0846200437 / Land Line 0126671985

QCTO Qualification / Skills Programmes Enrolment Form

Who is Responsible for the Payment?

Company Details

(Company Details are only required if a company is enrolling and paying for the student)
Company Name
Tel No
Fax No
Company Email
Company Registration Number
Postal Address:
Physical Address:
VAT Number
Purchase Order No.( Please attach order form where relevant )

Manager's Details

Manager's Email
Manager's Tel
Manager's Cell
Who else must be copied when the certificate and statement of results are sent via email?
Additional Contact Person 1
Additional Contact Person 2
Details of Person Responsible for the Payment
(To be completed if not paid for by a company)
Name of Person Responsible for Payment
Email of Person Responsible for Payment
Tel No
Fax No
Signature of Persons Responsible for Payment
ID Number
Details of Delegate (Learner) Kindly note that the information below is required by the SETA.
Personal Details
Surname (Last Name)
Previous Surname
First Name
Middle Name
Title (Mr/Mrs, etc.)
ID No.
Date Birth
Alternative ID Number
Please submit certified copies of ID and Highest Qualification along with the enrolment form.
Alternative ID Type (please select) Only required if ID Document is not available. 521 SAQA Member ID 527 Passport 529 Driver s Licence 531 Temporary ID
533 None 535 Unknown 537 Student Number 538 Work Permit
539 Employee No. 540 Birth Cert. 541 HSRC Register 561 ETQA Record
Gender (please select)
Male Female
Equity (please select)
BA Black African BC Black Coloured BI Black Indian U Unknown WH White
Nationality (please select)
Angola Asian Countries Australia and New Zealand Botswana Central and South America European Countires Lesotho Malawi Mauritius Mozambique N/A: Institution Namibia North American Countries Other and rest of Oceania Rest of Africa SADC except SA (i.e. NAM to ZAI) Seychelles South Africa Swaziland Tanzania Zaire Zimbabwe
Home Language (please select)
Afrikaans English isiNdebele isiXhosa isiZulu sePedi seSotho seTswana siSwati South African Sign Language tshiVenda xiTsonga
Other(Please state:)
Citizen Resident Status (please select)
Dual (SA plus Other) Permanent Resident South Africa SA
Other (Please state:)
Ability / Disability Status (please select)
1 - no difficulty
2 - some difficulty
3 - a lot of difficulty
4 - cannot do at all
6 - cannot yet be determined
60 - may be part of multiple difficulties (tbc)
70 - may have difficulty (tbc)
80 - former difficulty (not now)
1 - no difficulty
2 - some difficulty
3 - a lot of difficulty
4 - cannot do at all
6 - cannot yet be determined
60 - may be part of multiple difficulties (tbc)
70 - may have difficulty (tbc)
80 - former difficulty (not now)
1 - no difficulty
2 - some difficulty
3 - a lot of difficulty
4 - cannot do at all
6 - cannot yet be determined
60 - may be part of multiple difficulties (tbc)
70 - may have difficulty (tbc)
80 - former difficulty (not now)
Walking: 1 - no difficulty
2 - some difficulty
3 - a lot of difficulty
4 - cannot do at all
6 - cannot yet be determined
60 - may be part of multiple difficulties (tbc)
70 - may have difficulty (tbc)
80 - former difficulty (not now)
Remembering: 1 - no difficulty
2 - some difficulty
3 - a lot of difficulty
4 - cannot do at all
6 - cannot yet be determined
60 - may be part of multiple difficulties (tbc)
70 - may have difficulty (tbc)
80 - former difficulty (not now)
Self Care: 1 - no difficulty
2 - some difficulty
3 - a lot of difficulty
4 - cannot do at all
6 - cannot yet be determined
60 - may be part of multiple difficulties (tbc)
70 - may have difficulty (tbc)
80 - former difficulty (not now)

Student / Learner Contact Details

Tel No. (H)
Tel No. (W)
Cell No.
Fax No.
Work Email
Physical Address
Physical Municipality
Physical Urban/Rural Urban Rural
Physical Province
Postal Address

Socio-Economic Status:

U Unspecified 01 Employed 02 Unemployed 04 Homemaker 06 Student 07 Retired 08 Unemployed - Disabled
Highest Qualification
School Attended
Do you have any special needs we need to be aware of?
Yes No
Please give details:
Where did you hear about ENJO Consultants? Referred by:
friend Google Facebook LinkedIn Company I am working for I have studied with ENJO before Tiktok Other
This Section Only to be completed by those attending training at ENJO Consultants
Do you require wheelchair access?:
Yes No

Meals for Training taking place at ENJO Consultants

A free complimentary light lunch is provided to learners who attend training at the offices of ENJO Consultants.

Please note that we are only able to cater for a Normal (Western Diet) or a Vegetarian Diet. Meals are according to a set menu.

Learners who have specific allergies, other dietary requirements or larger appetites should provide their own lunch to be on the safe side.

Would you like to receive the free complimentary light lunch?
Yes No
Please select diet:
Normal Diet (Western) Vegetarian Diet